Colores Cerámicos ELCOM, S.L. combines technology with 70 year's experience in manufacturing ceramic colours.TRAJECTORY…
José León Bergón, chemist, initiates the manufacturing of ceramic colours in the Grao of Valencia (Spain). At that time, the Spanish ceramic market was mainly supplied by imported colours. Year after year, with our own technology, work and specialty in costumer service, COLORES CERÁMICOS ELCOM consolidated its position in the ceramic industry.1964
1964 The transfer of the factory to Manises (Valencia) begins. The initial resources evolve in to installations with cutting edge technology both in production and research.1986
The control of COLORES CERÁMICOS ELCOM, S.L., is handed down to the younger generations, who stay loyal to the criteria of innovation, quality and specialization, respecting the environment and remaining faithful to the objective in order to give total satisfaction to the customer.COMMITTED TO QUALITY
The human team of Colores Cerámicos ELCOM, S.L. has always been committed to Quality.
The continuous improvement of processes, products and services in order to achieve the total satisfaction of our customers is shaped by the attainment of the Certification according to International Norm ISO 9001:2000 for the manufacture and commercialization of ceramic colours.
The uses of our colours are mainly the following: Tiles, glass, artistic ceramics, enamel for metals y porcelain. Besides the colours included in the product list, Colores Cerámicos ELCOM, S.L is prepared to customize the development of any colour, composition or specific additive.PRODUCT LIST
Pol. Ind. Aeropuerto
C/ Manuel Montoro 8
E-46940 MANISES [Valencia] Spain
Tel: +34 96 154 58 92
Fax: +34 96 152 08 23